Tonya embarked on her legal career in 1986, having previously amassed significant experience as a registered nurse and real estate broker. Her dedication to providing for her family was exemplified during her 11-year tenure as a registered nurse, where she tirelessly worked double shifts at a local hospital. As a single mother, Tonya gained firsthand insight into the challenges faced by parents in single-parent households.
In 1998, Tonya achieved the prestigious designation of Certified Family Law Specialist, and she further contributed to the legal community by serving as a Judge Pro Tem with the Orange County Superior Court for several years. Her published appellate case, “In Re-Marriage of Whealon,” has left a lasting impact on the handling of the “move-away” issue in California custody cases.
In 2022, at the age of 75, Tonya made the decision to retire after many years of practicing law, including collaborative work with Valerie on various cases. Today, Tonya continues to offer her valuable expertise as a consultant and advisor to the firm when needed.
In 1998, Tonya achieved the prestigious designation of Certified Family Law Specialist, and she further contributed to the legal community by serving as a Judge Pro Tem with the Orange County Superior Court for several years. Her published appellate case, “In Re-Marriage of Whealon,” has left a lasting impact on the handling of the “move-away” issue in California custody cases.
In 2022, at the age of 75, Tonya made the decision to retire after many years of practicing law, including collaborative work with Valerie on various cases. Today, Tonya continues to offer her valuable expertise as a consultant and advisor to the firm when needed.